Our Services

Once you create the questionnaire and distribute it to Licorice, you can get the specified number of the answers the next day. It is also possible to deliver the tasks by filtering the targets such as gender, age, occupation, annual income etc.. Since a wide range of attribution users are registed, we can efficiently explore the target user's insight. Read More
Your ads can be delivered in accordance to the survey answers that were chosen by our users. With segmentations that match the chosen answers, users can access advertisements that fit their interests. After users click on your ad, they will go directly to your product web page, and users will gain in-app points. Read More
With Licorice, you can distribute job vacancy to target employees that match your criteria (gender, residence, age, etc.). You can sort job applicants who sent their CV through our platform easily, so that your recruitment process becomes easier. Read More
You can use Content Gathering feature to collect your desired contents. Our users are able to send you writings or images/photos that you can collect in a big number, and you can use it as reference for creating or writing documents that you need. Read More
Our expert staffs are always in control of the quality of the research that we are doing. Our company uses integrated system developed by our partner companies in Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Register your account and respond to our surveys and missions! You can exchange your collected points into special giftcards. Click here to be redirected to the survey page.